Understand your brain & change
how you see the world
Stay on top of stress and learn
how to use your mind
Understand how to set real boundaries that build your confidence.
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An EFT, Meditation & Havening Techniques® Practitioner, Dyslexic Diploma.
My mission is to nurture the mental well being of dyslexics. Through compassionate guidance, I help them understand the profound effects of daily challenges on their minds, empowering them to cultivate calm, and relaxation in moments of stress.
My mission is crystal clear: To empower individuals with dyslexia/ADHD to excel in both their personal and professional lives. I'm dedicated to providing the necessary support for clients mental growth allowing them to be more creative and productive. Using various approaches, I enable individual's to understand how their brain works when under pressure and stress. I empower my clients by teaching them to acknowledge and be aware of when they are experiencing anxiety, stress and being overwhelmed to give them the tools to reduce stress.
My mission is to nurture the mental well being of people with dyslexia/ADHD. Through compassionate guidance, I help them understand the profound effects of daily challenges on their minds, empowering them to cultivate calm, and relaxation in moments of stress.
My mission is crystal clear: To empower individuals with dyslexia to excel in both their personal and professional lives. I'm dedicated to providing the necessary support for their mental growth allowing them to be more creative and productive. Using various approaches, I enable clients to understand how their brains work when under pressure and stress . I empower my clients by teaching them to acknowledge and be aware of when they are experiencing anxiety, stress and overwhelm and give them the tools to reduce stress.
Unlock the power of your mind and cultivate a competitive edge.
Say goodbye to negative beliefs, frustrations, and procrastination.
Transform your mindset and prepare for personal success.
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⭐️ At vero eos
et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
⭐️ Et harum quidem
rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.
⭐️Temporibus autem
quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
Improve your concentration and direct attention where it's most needed?
Boost confidence in handling tasks and challenges effectively?
Develop a resilience to bounce back from setbacks or difficulties more easily?
Feel satisfaction by the progress and positive changes in your mindset?
Improve your concentration and direct attention where it's most needed?
Boost confidence in handling tasks and challenges effectively?
Develop a resilience to bounce back from setbacks or difficulties more easily?
Feel satisfaction by the progress and positive changes in your mindset?
I've worked with individuals who felt:
> High sensitivity
> Anxious & under pressure
> Their dyslexia/ADHD was misunderstood.
Clients struggle with study/work and over commitment, impacting their well being. They take on too much without having have boundaries or saying "no". This can lead to exhaustion.
My aim: To eliminate any self frustrations or feelings of doubt, by understanding how your brain works. Together, we will navigate the unique challenges people with dyslexia/ADHD face ensuring a clear path to personal growth, where clarity, support, and transformation awaits you.
Past negative beliefs - hindering your unique competitive edge.
Over commitment - leading to cognitive overload health challenges and exhaustion.
Anxiety is preventing you from doing what you are capable of.
Maybe you've just been diagnosed and feel lost.
Past negative beliefs - hindering your unique competitive edge.
Over commitment - leading to cognitive overload, health challenges and exhaustion.
Anxiety is preventing you from doing what you are capable of.
Maybe you've just been diagnosed and feel lost.
Tailored coaching sessions
Explore your triggers, past dyslexic distress, goals and future success
Using the various techniques to keep you motivated and focused
Help gain accountability, calmness and confidence in your daily life
I simplify how your brain processes information using pictures and give you insights into how stress impacts the mind and body.
A bonus recording - Meditation for deep relaxing or sleep
Learn to journal. If writing/typing is stressful, learn other way to journal.
1-to-1 coaching session
1 x pre-recorded meditation session
Explore your triggers, past dyslexic distress, goals and future success
Using the various techniques to keep you motivated and focused
Help you gain accountability, calmness and confidence in your daily life.
A client-only private Facebook group where you'll feel inspired and supported by like-dyslexic entrepreneurs
""Participating in a course of sesions which has been incredibly beneficial for me as a dyslexic entrepreneur. I've noticed a significant positive impact on my well-being and overall mindset. The techniques learned have not only alleviated stress but have also empowered me to navigate challenges with greater ease. Highly recommend!"
"Having run a business all my life and navigated the challenges that brings, I truly wish a technique like this was available years ago. It has not only helped me achieve a better work-life balance but has also been instrumental in helping me manage daily stress and be more effective in setting boundaries."
"I wasn't sure what to expect from my first session with Andree, but to my surprise, I felt a release of negative emotions and left feeling calm and relaxed. Her kindness and ability to create a safe space made all the difference. I'd highly recommend her to anyone struggling with anxiety, or negative emotions related to learning differences. The techniques really work."
"Andree's support has been life-changing for our family. Through her sessions, we have learned invaluable techniques for memory, organization, time management, and emotional regulation. My 9-year-old son, who has ADHD, has particularly benefited and he is now more focused, better at managing his emotions, and more confident in daily tasks. The breathing and Havening techniques have also made a huge difference in helping him stay calm. Andree's approach is practical, supportive, and truly effective. We can't thank her enough. Highly recommend her."
"Since working with Andrée, I’ve learned to manage difficult thoughts that have affected me since childhood. Her simple yet effective techniques have helped me reduce anxiety and improve my relationships. I now have tools to regulate my emotions and ground myself quickly when needed. Andrée’s gentle, trustworthy, and professional approach made all the difference."
As dyslexics we are great communicators, empathetic and passionate about everything we do. However, poor experiences in school can carry on through life creating poor self image and confidence.
Through my three-step signature methodology. I aim to address the triggers causing emotional discomfort, I'll assist in developing a daily practice that fosters a productive and positive mindset and together, we'll focus on setting boundaries, defining goals and nurturing your personal growth. Through the use of different techniques and little tips I aim to calm the brain, decode any stresses surrounding the overload and confusion in your head to create a calmer and more resilient state of being.
Along with this, research has shown that 35% of people who have dyslexia have ADHD/ADD.
Smitha Bhandari WebMD August 2022
1. EFT - is an old eastern technique that involves tapping on specific points of the body to balance energy and alleviate emotional distress
2. Meditation - to calm and quiet the mind.
3. The Havening Technique: is conducted in a safe environment so clients don't feel stressed. This is where the name originated from, Haven: safe place. It has three Havening strokes, on the face, shoulder to arms and hands. It helps with - Wellness, Stress Management, and Peak Performance. Works with the neurochemicals in the brain.
Sessions last between 40 mins to an hour. 1:1 calls are arranged around your schedule during the week.
You will be provided access to my calendar to book your 1:1 session in advance. Once booked in, I understand life sometimes life happens, so you can change your session anytime until 48 hours before.
The ARC Method aims to work on the 3 distinct areas. 1st - Awareness Situations/memories holding you back your in life preventing you from reaching your true potential.
2nd - Resilience - Deal with daily stressors that arise and have the ability to deal with these as they arise.
3rd - Confidence to deal with boundaries, how to say "No" or "Maybe later" when you are in those moments of excitement and taking far too much on. Set achievable goals and visualise your success at work, school or life.
The more time you give to using the techniques the better the results are for you.
What are you waiting for?
Let's do this together.
Have a question? Message Me Here
Maecenas nec elit tempor, malesuada felis in, bibendum libero. Nullam pellentesque vulputate felis at rutrum. Aenean placerat congue turpis, ac lacinia elit tristique quis.
Nunc quis fermentum ligula, in sodales massa. Fusce tempus, quam eu placerat semper, lacus sem commodo nibh, sed tincidunt lectus lacus eget diam. Ut mattis ligula eu consectetur rutrum. Sed eu viverra nulla. Curabitur porttitor eros in nisi eleifend mollis.
Nunc quis
New Zealand
Maecenas nec elit tempor, malesuada felis in, bibendum libero. Nullam pellentesque vulputate felis at rutrum. Aenean placerat congue turpis, ac lacinia elit tristique quis.
Nunc quis fermentum ligula, in sodales massa. Fusce tempus, quam eu placerat semper, lacus sem commodo nibh, sed tincidunt lectus lacus eget diam. Ut mattis ligula eu consectetur rutrum. Sed eu viverra nulla. Curabitur porttitor eros in nisi eleifend mollis.
Nunc quis
New Zealand
Maecenas nec elit tempor, malesuada felis in, bibendum libero. Nullam pellentesque vulputate felis at rutrum. Aenean placerat congue turpis, ac lacinia elit tristique quis.
Nunc quis fermentum ligula, in sodales massa. Fusce tempus, quam eu placerat semper, lacus sem commodo nibh, sed tincidunt lectus lacus eget diam. Ut mattis ligula eu consectetur rutrum. Sed eu viverra nulla. Curabitur porttitor eros in nisi eleifend mollis.
Nunc quis
New Zealand
That's a great question. Here's why.
Step 1: We have an initial call (about 15 minutes) to make sure I can help you.
Step 2: If I can we lock in a 1 hour meeting online or in person.
Step 3: I do whatever it takes to help you succeed. I love helping people get what they want.
I really appreciate clients and even sometimes visitors I have not worked with referring Andrée Kenny. Easiest way is to fill in the form or send a quick email between us and your referral. Thank you in advance ❤️ 🙏
Andrée Kenny is a certified practitioner of Havening Techniques.
Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.